{% block zen_component_product_box_action_buy_widget_container %}
{% set quantityCol = quantityCol ? quantityCol : 'col-8' %}
{% set buttonCol = buttonCol ? buttonCol : 'col-4' %}
{% set selectQuantityThreshold = 100 %}
{% set selectQuantityThresholdExceeded = (product.calculatedMaxPurchase - product.minPurchase) / product.purchaseSteps > selectQuantityThreshold %}
{% block zen_component_product_box_action_buy_widget %}
<div class="buy-widget-container{% if theme_config('zen-buy-quantity-style') is same as ('input') or (theme_config('zen-buy-quantity-style') is same as ('select') and selectQuantityThresholdExceeded) %} quantity-input{% else %} quantity-select{% endif %}">
{% block zen_component_product_box_action_buy_widget_quantity %}
{% if theme_config('zen-buy-quantity-style') is same as ('input') or (theme_config('zen-buy-quantity-style') is same as ('select') and selectQuantityThresholdExceeded) %}
{% block zen_component_product_box_action_buy_widget_quantity_zenit_input %}
<div class="form-row">
<div class="{{ quantityCol }}">
{% sw_include '@zenitPlatformStratus/storefront/component/buy-widget/zen-buy-widget-quantity.html.twig' with {
value: product.value,
id: product.id,
minPurchase: product.minPurchase,
maxPurchase: product.calculatedMaxPurchase,
step: product.purchaseSteps,
name: "lineItems[#{ product.id }][quantity]",
quantityClasses: 'product-listing-quantity-input'
} %}</div>
<div class="{{ buttonCol }}">
<button class="btn btn-block btn-buy{% if theme_config('zen-product-listing-card-actions-quickview') %} btn-icon-only{% endif %}"
title="{{ "listing.boxAddProduct"|trans|striptags }}">
{% sw_icon 'bag' %}
{% endblock %}
{% else %}
{% block zen_component_product_box_action_buy_widget_quantity_input_group %}
<div class="input-group">
{% if (product.calculatedMaxPurchase - product.minPurchase) / product.purchaseSteps > selectQuantityThreshold %}
{% block zen_component_product_box_action_buy_widget_quantity_input %}
name="lineItems[{{ product.id }}][quantity]"
class="form-control product-listing-quantity-input"
min="{{ product.minPurchase }}"
max="{{ product.calculatedMaxPurchase }}"
step="{{ product.purchaseSteps }}"
value="{{ product.minPurchase }}"
{% endblock %}
{% else %}
{% block zen_component_product_box_action_buy_widgetquantity_select %}
<select name="lineItems[{{ product.id }}][quantity]"
class="custom-select product-listing-quantity-select">
{% for quantity in range(product.minPurchase, product.calculatedMaxPurchase, product.purchaseSteps) %}
<option value="{{ quantity }}">
{{ quantity }}
{% if quantity == 1 %}
{% if product.translated.packUnit %} {{ product.translated.packUnit }}{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% if product.translated.packUnitPlural %}
{{ product.translated.packUnitPlural }}
{% elseif product.translated.packUnit %}
{{ product.translated.packUnit }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
{% endif %}
<div class="input-group-append">
<button class="btn btn-block btn-buy{% if theme_config('zen-product-listing-card-actions-quickview') %} btn-icon-only{% endif %}"
title="{{ "listing.boxAddProduct"|trans|striptags }}">
{% sw_icon 'bag' %}
{% endblock %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}