{% block page_checkout_summary %}
<div class="checkout-aside-summary-container">
{% if page.cart %}
{% set summary = page.cart %}
{% elseif page.order %}
{% set summary = page.order %}
{% endif %}
{% set displayRounded = context.totalRounding.interval != 0.01 or context.totalRounding.decimals != context.itemRounding.decimals %}
{% set decimals = context.totalRounding.decimals %}
{% set total = summary.price.totalPrice %}
{% if displayRounded %}
{% set decimals = context.itemRounding.decimals %}
{% set total = summary.price.rawTotal %}
{% endif %}
<dl class="row checkout-aside-summary-list {{ gridNoGuttersClass }} {% if displayRounded %}display-rounded{% endif %}">
{% block page_checkout_summary_inner %}
{% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/page/checkout/summary/summary-position.html.twig' with { 'summary': summary } %}
{% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/page/checkout/summary/summary-shipping.html.twig' with { 'summary': summary } %}
{% if summary.price.taxStatus == 'gross' %}
{% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/page/checkout/summary/summary-total.html.twig' with {
'total': total,
'decimals': decimals
} %}
{% if displayRounded %}
{% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/page/checkout/summary/summary-total-rounded.html.twig' with {
'summary': summary,
'decimals': context.totalRounding.decimals
} %}
{% endif %}
{% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/page/checkout/summary/summary-net.html.twig' with { 'summary': summary } %}
{% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/page/checkout/summary/summary-tax.html.twig' with { 'summary': summary } %}
{% else %}
{% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/page/checkout/summary/summary-net.html.twig' with { 'summary': summary } %}
{% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/page/checkout/summary/summary-tax.html.twig' with { 'summary': summary } %}
{% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/page/checkout/summary/summary-total.html.twig' with {
'total': total,
'decimals': decimals
} %}
{% if displayRounded %}
{% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/page/checkout/summary/summary-total-rounded.html.twig' with {
'summary': summary,
'decimals': context.totalRounding.decimals
} %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}