Default locale
Fallback locales
Defined 136
These messages are correctly translated into the given locale.
Locale | Domain | Times used | Message ID | Message Preview |
en-GB | messages | 2 | fts-payment-cost.config.title | Payment charge |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.registerTitle | Sign up |
en-GB | messages | 1 | general.noscriptNotice | To be able to use the full range of Shopware 6, we recommend activating Javascript in your browser. |
en-GB | messages | 1 |
[ "%placeholder%" => " " ] |
en-GB | messages | 1 |
"%placeholder%" => ""
en-GB | messages | 1 |
"%placeholder%" => ""
en-GB | messages | 1 | checkout.shippingCountry | Shipping country |
en-GB | messages | 5 | address.zipcodeLabel | Postal code |
en-GB | messages | 3 | address.zipcodePlaceholder | Enter postal code... |
en-GB | messages | 1 | checkout.shippingMethod | Shipping method |
en-GB | messages | 2 | header.logoLink | Go to homepage |
en-GB | messages | 1 | general.menuLink | Menu |
en-GB | messages | 2 | header.searchPlaceholder | Search all categories... |
en-GB | messages | 2 | header.searchButton | Search |
en-GB | messages | 2 | header.wishlist | Wishlist |
en-GB | messages | 3 | account.myAccount | My account |
en-GB | messages | 2 | general.offcanvasCloseMenu | Close menu |
en-GB | messages | 3 | account.loginSubmit | Login |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.orRegister | or |
en-GB | messages | 2 | account.orRegisterLink | sign up |
en-GB | messages | 2 | account.overviewLink | Overview |
en-GB | messages | 2 | account.profileLink | Your profile |
en-GB | messages | 2 | account.addressLink | Addresses |
en-GB | messages | 2 | account.paymentLink | Payment methods |
en-GB | messages | 2 | account.ordersLink | Orders |
en-GB | messages | 2 | checkout.cartTitle | Shopping cart |
en-GB | messages | 1 | | * |
en-GB | messages | 1 | general.homeLink | Home |
en-GB | messages | 1 | general.categories | Categories |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.loginHeader | I'm a customer already |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.loginFormDescription | Log in with email address and password |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.loginMailLabel | Your email address |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.loginMailPlaceholder | Email address |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.loginPasswordLabel | Your password |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.loginPasswordPlaceholder | Password |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.loginPasswordRecover | I have forgotten my password. |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.registerAdvantagesHeader | Login advantages: |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.registerAdvantage1 | Express shopping |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.registerAdvantage2 | Save your data and settings |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.registerAdvantage3 | Order overview and shipping information |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.registerAdvantage4 | Manage your newsletter subscription |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.registerPersonalHeader | I'm a new customer |
en-GB | messages | 4 | account.personalTypeLabel | I am |
en-GB | messages | 31 | general.required | * |
en-GB | messages | 2 | account.personalTypePrivate | Private |
en-GB | messages | 2 | account.personalTypeBusiness | Commercial |
en-GB | messages | 2 | account.personalSalutationLabel | Salutation |
en-GB | messages | 2 | account.personalSalutationPlaceholder | Enter salutation... |
en-GB | messages | 4 | account.personalFirstNameLabel | First name |
en-GB | messages | 12 |
[ "%field%" => "First name" ] [ "%field%" => "Last name" ] [ "%field%" => "Company" ] [ "%field%" => "Street address" ] [ "%field%" => "Postal code" ] [ "%field%" => "City" ] [ "%field%" => "First name" ] [ "%field%" => "Last name" ] [ "%field%" => "Company" ] [ "%field%" => "Street address" ] [ "%field%" => "Postal code" ] [ "%field%" => "City" ] |
First name should not be empty. |
en-GB | messages | 2 | account.personalFirstNamePlaceholder | Enter first name... |
en-GB | messages | 4 | account.personalLastNameLabel | Last name |
en-GB | messages | 2 | account.personalLastNamePlaceholder | Enter last name... |
en-GB | messages | 4 | address.companyNameLabel | Company |
en-GB | messages | 2 | address.companyNamePlaceholder | Enter company... |
en-GB | messages | 2 | address.companyDepartmentLabel | Department |
en-GB | messages | 2 | address.companyDepartmentPlaceholder | Enter department... |
en-GB | messages | 1 | address.companyVatLabel | VAT Reg.No. |
en-GB | messages | 1 | address.companyVatPlaceholder | VAT Reg.No. with country-code |
en-GB | messages | 1 | error.VIOLATION::CUSTOMER_VAT_ID_EMPTY_COUNTRY | Please select the country in order to validate VAT Reg. No. |
en-GB | messages | 1 | error.VIOLATION::VAT_ID_FORMAT_NOT_CORRECT | The VAT Reg.No. you have entered does not have the correct format. |
en-GB | messages | 1 | error.VIOLATION::CUSTOMER_VAT_ID_INVALID | Entered VAT Reg.No. is invalid |
en-GB | messages | 2 | fourtwosix.address.recipientCode.label | Recipient Code* |
en-GB | messages | 2 | fourtwosix.address.recipientCode.placeholder | Enter recipient code... |
en-GB | messages | 2 | fourtwosix.address.recipientCode.error | Please enter a valid recipient code. |
en-GB | messages | 2 | fourtwosix.address.pecAddress.label | PEC address |
en-GB | messages | 2 | fourtwosix.address.pecAddress.placeholder | Enter PEC address... |
en-GB | messages | 2 | fourtwosix.address.pecAddress.error | Please enter a valid PEC address. |
en-GB | messages | 2 | fourtwosix.address.companyType.label | Company Type* |
en-GB | messages | 2 | fourtwosix.address.companyType.placeholder | Select company type... |
en-GB | messages | 2 | | Company |
en-GB | messages | 2 | fourtwosix.address.companyType.options.selfEmployed | Self Employed |
en-GB | messages | 2 | fourtwosix.address.companyType.options.publicAdministration | Public Administration |
en-GB | messages | 2 | fourtwosix.address.companyType.error | Please select a valid company type. |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.personalMailLabel | New email address |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.personalMailPlaceholder | Enter new email address... |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.personalMailConfirmationLabel | Email confirmation |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.personalMailConfirmationPlaceholder | Please enter your email address once again... |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.personalMailConfirmationInvalidMessage | Email addresses do not match. |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.personalPasswordLabel | Password |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.personalPasswordPlaceholder | Enter password... |
en-GB | messages | 2 |
[ "%minLength%" => "8" ] [ "%minLength%" => "8" ] |
Passwords must have a minimum length of 8 characters. |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.personalPasswordConfirmationLabel | Password confirmation |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.personalPasswordConfirmationPlaceholder | Please enter your password once again... |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.personalPasswordConfirmationInvalidMessage | The passwords you have entered do not match. |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.registerAddressBillingHeader | Your address |
en-GB | messages | 2 | fourtwosix.account.fiscalCode.label | Fiscal code* |
en-GB | messages | 2 | fourtwosix.account.fiscalCode.placeholder | Enter fiscal code... |
en-GB | messages | 2 | fourtwosix.account.fiscalCode.error | Please enter a valid fiscal code. |
en-GB | messages | 4 | address.streetLabel | Street address |
en-GB | messages | 2 | address.streetPlaceholder | Enter street address... |
en-GB | messages | 4 | address.cityLabel | City |
en-GB | messages | 2 | address.cityPlaceholder | Enter city... |
en-GB | messages | 2 | address.countryLabel | Country |
en-GB | messages | 2 | address.countryPlaceholder | Select country... |
en-GB | messages | 2 | address.countryStateLabel | State |
en-GB | messages | 2 | address.countryStatePlaceholder | Select state... |
en-GB | messages | 2 | fourwosixPhonePrefix.phoneNumberLabelPrefix | Area code |
en-GB | messages | 2 | fourwosixPhonePrefix.chooseCountry | Choose prefix |
en-GB | messages | 2 | address.phoneNumberLabel | Phone number |
en-GB | messages | 2 | address.phoneNumberPlaceholder | Enter phone number... |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.registerDifferentShipping | Shipping and billing address do not match. |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.registerAddressShippingHeader | Alternative shipping address |
en-GB | messages | 1 | captcha.googleReCaptcha.dataProtectionInformation | This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google <a href="">Privacy Policy</a> and <a href="">Terms of Service</a> apply. |
en-GB | messages | 1 | general.privacyTitle | Privacy |
en-GB | messages | 1 |
[ "%url%" => "/en/widgets/cms/3057047ef73048b0a24475f649e84ad3" "%privacyUrl%" => "/en/widgets/cms/3057047ef73048b0a24475f649e84ad3" "%tosUrl%" => "/en/widgets/cms/e74948a8eee94fc9b4abcfa1727ff8a7" ] |
By selecting continue you confirm that you have read our <a title="Data protection information" href="/en/widgets/cms/3057047ef73048b0a24475f649e84ad3" target="_blank">data protection information</a> and accepted our <a title="general terms and conditions" href="/en/widgets/cms/e74948a8eee94fc9b4abcfa1727ff8a7" target="_blank">general terms and conditions</a>. |
en-GB | messages | 1 | general.requiredFields | Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required. |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.registerSubmit | Continue |
en-GB | messages | 1 | | |
en-GB | messages | 1 | fts.footer_1.h1_snippet | Are you looking for a different kind of floor than tiles? |
en-GB | messages | 1 | fts.footer_1.h2_snippet | Here you will find what you are looking for: floors made out of wood, vinyl, cork, carpet and many more... |
en-GB | messages | 1 | zentheme.footer.socialMediaHeadline | Follow us |
en-GB | messages | 1 |
[ "%placeholder%" => "Changed in snippets" ] | |
en-GB | messages | 1 |
"%placeholder%" => ""
en-GB | messages | 1 |
"%placeholder%" => ""
en-GB | messages | 1 |
[ "%placeholder%" => null ] |
en-GB | messages | 1 |
[ "%placeholder%" => "Changed in snippets" ] | |
en-GB | messages | 1 |
[ "%placeholder%" => "Changed in snippets" ] | |
en-GB | messages | 1 |
[ "%placeholder%" => null ] |
en-GB | messages | 1 |
"%placeholder%" => ""
en-GB | messages | 1 |
[ "%placeholder%" => null ] |
en-GB | messages | 1 |
[ "%placeholder%" => null ] |
en-GB | messages | 1 |
[ "%placeholder%" => null ] |
en-GB | messages | 1 |
[ "%placeholder%" => null ] |
en-GB | messages | 1 |
[ "%placeholder%" => null ] |
en-GB | messages | 1 |
[ "%placeholder%" => "Zahlungsmethoden" ] |
Payment methods |
en-GB | messages | 1 |
[ "%placeholder%" => """ <div class="d-grid payment-footer-grid">\r\n <img src="" class="w-100">\r\n <img src="" class="w-100">\r\n <img src="" class="w-100">\r\n <!-- <img src="" class="w-100"> -->\r\n <img src="" class="w-100">\r\n <!-- Commented because deactivated \r\n <img src="" class="w-100">\r\n -->\r\n </div>\r\n """ ] |
<div class="d-grid payment-footer-grid"> <img src="" class="w-100"> <img src="" class="w-100"> <img src="" class="w-100"> <!-- <img src="" class="w-100"> --> <img src="" class="w-100"> <!-- Commented because deactivated <img src="" class="w-100"> --> </div> |
en-GB | messages | 1 | footer.serviceHotlineHeadline | Contact |
en-GB | messages | 1 | footer.serviceHotline | Trendfliesen by Artecon GmbH<br> Kalterer Moos 15<br> 39052 Kaltern (BZ) - South Tyrol <br> Italy<br> <a href="" class="btn btn-link my-0"></a> <a href="tel:+390471802210" class="btn btn-link my-0">+39 0471 802210</a> <br> Telephone hours (on business-days) Mon-Fri: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm / 2:00 - 5:30 pm |
en-GB | messages | 1 |
[ "%url%" => "/en/widgets/cms/894240cbd72a41d6a32d1aad94096bd1" ] |
Or via our <a data-bs-toggle="modal" data-toggle="modal" data-bs-toggle="modal" data-url="/en/widgets/cms/894240cbd72a41d6a32d1aad94096bd1" href="/en/widgets/cms/894240cbd72a41d6a32d1aad94096bd1" title="contact form">contact form</a>. |
en-GB | messages | 1 |
[ "%year%" => "2025" "%shopname%" => "Trendfliesen" "%love%" => "<span class="icon icon-heart icon-xs"><svg xmlns="" width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32"><path d="M16 29.104l-1.938-1.75c-6.875-6.25-11.375-10.313-11.375-15.375 0-4.125 3.188-7.313 7.313-7.313 2.313 0 4.563 1.125 6 2.813 1.438-1.688 3.688-2.813 6-2.813 4.125 0 7.313 3.188 7.313 7.313 0 5.063-4.5 9.188-11.375 15.438z"></path></svg></span>" "%href%" => "" "%title%" => "426 - Your Digital Upgrade" "%name%" => "426 - Your Digital Upgrade" ] |
© 2025 Trendfliesen - <a target="_blank" rel="dofollow noopener" title="426 - Your Digital Upgrade" href="">426 - Your Digital Upgrade</a> |
en-GB | messages | 1 |
[ "%url%" => "/en/widgets/cms/c03798f10c1347e6b00cb3f0a6148ff0" ] |
* All prices incl. VAT plus <a data-url="/en/widgets/cms/c03798f10c1347e6b00cb3f0a6148ff0" href="/en/widgets/cms/c03798f10c1347e6b00cb3f0a6148ff0" data-bs-toggle="modal" data-toggle="modal">shipping costs</a> and possible delivery charges, if not stated otherwise. |
en-GB | messages | 1 |
[ "%url%" => "/en/landingPage/0ce2a4aa44834d28a0242d7ed02ce2c3" ] |
This website uses cookies to ensure the best experience possible. <a title="More information" href="/en/landingPage/0ce2a4aa44834d28a0242d7ed02ce2c3" target="_blank">More information...</a> |
en-GB | messages | 1 | cookie.deny | Deny |
en-GB | messages | 1 | cookie.configure | Configure |
en-GB | messages | 1 | cookie.acceptAll | Accept all cookies |
Fallback 0
These messages are not available for the given locale but Symfony found them in the fallback locale catalog.
No fallback translation messages were used.
Missing 0
These messages are not available for the given locale and cannot be found in the fallback locales. Add them to the translation catalogue to avoid Symfony outputting untranslated contents.
There are no messages of this category.